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What A Relief! Massage Therapy Center 

1015 El Cajon Blvd, Suite A
El Cajon, California 92020
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We provide effective deep tissue massage for damaged muscle tissue. We are on time, dressed professionally, and care about your relief from pain. The therapy is deep and can be uncomfortable, but it helps the muscles heal. If we miss an appointment, your next is free. first appointment is 20% off, and you earn 30% off of your next massage for every client you send in to us. We want to help heal San Diego and educate people about muscles.

We help people with all types of back, neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, leg, or ankle pains. If you've got a pain in your body, let us check you out before you go to the doctor. Often, your pain is coming from tight muscles or bad posture coupled with stress.

Alex and Tristan love to help you avoid drugs and surgery so that you can stay on your feet and feeling great.

We are not a spa-type massage business. We provide a comfortable massage room and focused therapy.


Tristan Nunez